Thursday, May 16, 2013

listen to this: laura mvula

lately, i've been on the hunt for good music.  after starting a new job almost two months ago - (wait what?  how has it already been that long already?) i am finding that the comforts of my home office are in short supply.  don't get me wrong, i am absolutely loving my new gig, but after almost 7 years working from home, i am finding the little things like voices, telephones and copy machines to be quite distracting, especially while trying to write.  so, to get my head in the right space for kickin' ass and taking names, i find solace in my earbuds and music services like pandora and spotify.

recently i stumbled upon the sound of laura mvula and had to share.  laura is a british soul singer with a sound i can't quite compare to anyone else i've heard.  the moody melody and her take-charge vocals are perfect for calming the thunderstorm of sounds in my office, or serving as the soundtrack  to relaxing nights on the patio with cold drinks and friends.  

check it out for yourself, and please feel free to leave any new music finds you've been enjoying in the comments below.  i'm also listening to a lot of this & this too.  

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