After much debate and countless hours of staring at the walls and trying to decide what that room was missing, we went for it. We painted the dining room black. Why you ask? Well, no one really knows for sure, but it seemed like a good idea.
It was a heavily debated decision, especially because I initially thought the room needed black and white horizontal stripes.
I now realize that was more than likely a slight error in judgement.
It took a while but we (and when I say "we" I mean "Evan") got started and painted the entire room white. We (I was involved in this) taped up some paper stripes. We stared at them. Took them down and rearranged them. I wasn't convinced. For a moment I thought the room could just stay white.
But that moment was fleeting.
In the end, we had the black paint and we decided to just go for it.
We started with one wall...
Then added another...
And then a lot more staring ensued.
The weekend of the party sneaked up on us and we decided to put the room back together. We figured we could decide what to do with the remaining two walls later on. But once everything was in place, we were kind of digging the half&half look and so for now, it stays.
(the view from the living room)
(the other white wall)
A little crazy. A little cool. But a lot of fun for sure.