Tuesday, August 7, 2012

over the weekend: gnocchi with friends

gnocchiplural of gnoc·chi

(in Italian cooking) Small dumplings made from potato, semolina, or flour, usually served with a sauce

we love sunday night dinners with friends and this weekend we had one of the best ones yet.

our friends - the falks - invited us over for a traditional italian gnocchi feast - where everyone participated in the prep.  mama falk (i like to call her superwoman) outdid herself with two variations of homemade sauce for the carnivores and the non-meat eating crew.  then everyone got a chance to roll up their sleeves and roll out the dough for cutting followed by cooking. 

now this my friends is a home cooked meal, and when shared with great friends, good wine and the first break in the heat that we've seen in weeks, it doesn't get any better than this:  

find recipes for gnocchi here, here & here.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, you have outdone yourself with an amazing blog post! Love your superwoman comment---where's my cape and flying ability?? :)
    But none of this could have happened without everyone contributing wine, salad, dessert, juice boxes, the list goes on and on---what a great group of friends


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